Thursday, November 3, 2011

November Thankfulness

As promised, I am keeping up with this now, as best I can. My ultimate goal is to post once a day....or at the very least every other. After all, this is for me, so the motivation is there, I just have to make sure there is time. I am slowly shifting things in my life to involve a little more "me" time, and an increase in productivity! I do fine with keeping the house clean, the laundry done, and the bed made..for the most part.... but I want more creativeness in my household, more pictures up, more memories made. I am including those creativity goals under my 'productivity' because they are important to me, and will only add to the our house feeling more like home. We've been here 3 months now, and still not a single picture is hung. We are, however, really getting into the holidays this year, I am still trying to come up with traditions we can incorporate, but for now I'm focusing on decorating for fall and am already thinking about Christmas time decorating.

Look what I've done so far..

It is a small table, and right now is one of the only things decorated for fall, but I got the cute table cloth, 4 place mats, and 4 little plates at Giant Eagle for around $10 total. I'm not sure the little plates look the best, but the bigger plates for $7/each, so I was just trying these out. They were only $1/each. I'm not creative, but am slowly coming up with better ways to decorate and get crafty for the holidays. I not shy to say I am taking a lot of ideas from friends and family who are much more crafty than I.

On another note, today I was reading a friend's blog who I continuously follow, and she has begun a month long blog trend I would like to follow. My friend is Bethany Vitt [so credit is given where it is due] and she has decided she is going to post 10 reasons why she thankful the whole month of November. Obviously, I am a little behind since it's November 3rd... so I was thinking I would post as many reasons tonight as I can, and come up with the difference tomorrow to catch up! :)

Here are just a few of the things I am thankful for in my life today

1. I am thankful for this handsome, smart, loving little man


2. I am thankful for that little man's daddy and the support he provides for his family

3. I am to be part time at a job that understands and values time with family, and that daycare is expensive. They are flexible and let me go down to part time [Monday, Tuesday, and Friday] without any hesitation or worry I would lose my job. I have so much more time with my baby boy, and I am loving every second of it! Even the temper tantrum moments

4. I am thankful for the change in attitude I've had recently thanks to my Franklin University Coach, my husband, my dad through many conversations of wisdom, and God for putting such wonderful people in my life. I am a overall very happy and positive person, but was consumed by a terrible negativity regarding life while finishing my degree, and more specifically life after I graduate. I wasn't completely aware of how negative I was, or how much it was consuming my life, but this realization of needing to say positive [and a more personal realization of needing to give more to God] these past 2 weeks has been emotionally life changing.

5. I am thankful for God and all His goodness he continuously shows me and my family throughout our lives and trials, and for growing up in a home that provided me with the faith to believe in Him.

6. I am thankful for my best friend Andrea and the time she takes out to spend with me and my Aiden, she truly is an incredible friend, and I am so blessed to have her in my life.

7. I am thankful for my parents and all the love and support they give me. Especially my dad, "Sampa" to Aiden, who ensures lunch with me every Friday :)

8.  I am thankful that my laptop is still in working condition after a scare when it continued to freeze after everything I did. My husband took it apart and blew some air through it, and it's running good as ever. Pheww! I'd be lost without my laptop!

9. I am thankful for the NOT subartic temperatures that I know are eventually inevitable. I'm loving Fall, just a light jacket and we're off to have some fun at the park.

10. I am thankful for for having had a most wonderful October which ended with an exciting night of trick or treat. Aiden got to trick or treat in my dad and Marcy's neighborhood and had a blast doing it. Was kind of shy with some people, but always said thank you :) He was the cutest Elmo I ever saw

11. I am SO thankful for how much my Aiden loves to read and learn. He is constantly wanting to read, or counting something, or asking questions. I can only pray his love of learning stays with him forever. He is such a smart boy

12. I am both thankful for, and sad about, how quickly and well my little boy is growing up. I am know I am making mistakes along the way, but he is so loving and fun and growing up to be such a little man. He is constantly asking to use the potty, and although he has yet to actually USE it, he is certainly becoming independent and growing up much too fast

13. I am thankful for all the fun things I am learning about through friends, especially blogging- which I never committed to before now, after watching a couple friends commit to it, and pinterest from the same friend. I am hoping to solve my 'not so crafty or creative' problem with a little motivation and some ideas from pinterest, though I haven't tried anything yet, I am hopful.

14. I am thankful that I was instilled with Faith, self respect, love, and organization as a child. While I'm not the best at the daily use of all these values, they have certainly proved themselves valuable in my life..and continue to.

15. I am thankful for my camera. The Nikon D40 my father so graciously gave a gift to me for Christmas 2 years ago. I have a beautiful camera to capture priceless memories that I otherwise may not have been able to capture so clearly.

16. I am thankful for the girls night that have been incorporated into my Fridays, every week. Some nights are just dinner, and the occasion does occur where it is cancelled, but I am thankful for the 'me' time I get, and for my husband for making sure it is available to me

That is what I came up with the month goes on I imagine they will be more specific to the day I've encountered. Today was pretty uneventful, and I have a lot to be thankful for, so this was a good start :) I will do my best to log on and post the remaining 14 reasons I am thankful to catch to the the 10-a-day quota! :) It is a good excuse to sit down and remind myself of all the reasons I have to be thankful to God, my father. Until next time :)

1 comment:

A said...

I love reading your blog Stephanie <3 Miss you!