Saturday, November 5, 2011

Friday fun and thankfulness

Today was such a great day!! It's 1am on Saturday the 5th, but I am referring to Friday :) I just got done having a great girls night! After getting off work a little late I went to dinner with Andrea, and then went to Giant Eagle to pick up some wine, beer, bowels, and junk food, and then we went to my house where the girlies met us. It was a fun night of girl talk, junk food, and some tasty wine[coolers]. I unfortunately did not snap any photos :( I was very caught up in all the fun we were having! In addition to having a great day, I was informed at work that I will be transferring back to the department I originally started in because I am a valuable asset there, and am much needed. It was a nerve racking but exciting thing to hear. I have a lot to life up to, but am excited for the opportunity. Anyway, for now, I am going to follow through with my 14 reasons I am thankful, and as long as I post tomorrow, I am all caught up :)

1. I am thankful to have had such a wonderful Friday night with girlfriends I can only pray I continue to grow closer to!

2. I am thankful for a clean house that my husband so graciously went over, on his day off, to make sure was spotless for my girls night I hosted
3. I am thankful for a healthy Aiden...not specific to today, but I was reminded today how blessed I am to have such a healthy son

4. I am thankful for Franklin University, and what a neat professors they have hired!

5. I am thankful for the 88% I received in my MGMT312 class as my final grade :)

6. I am thankful for comfy pants which I am so comfortably wearing right now, and can wait to sleep in

7. I am so thankful for a nice warm bed, I am so tired and cannot wait to climb into it

8. I am thankful for having a reliable vehicle, and a most smart husband who can fix practically anything the car throws at us

9. I am thankful for the chili recipe for chili my beautiful mother in law provided me with. We enjoyed it for dinner Thursday night, and I am pretty sure it will be lunch tomorrow!

10. I am thankful uninterrupted sleep

11. I am thankful to be seen as a valuable asset at my work, and have a company that expresses it

12. I am thankful for my cousin Sarah who is going to help me decorate and make my house beautiful, like I can't

13. I am thankful for this blog, and for having the motivation and time to post to it so I have memories. I am learning more about digital scrap booking thanks to a friend, and am hoping to only improve the creativity in me to make beautiful memories come to life...I have zero creativity so this is an adventure.

14. I am thankful that I was able to find a reasonably priced, and amazing photographer, in Columbus, to photograph my family this November :)

This is short, but I am hoping for a most exciting Saturday. Stay tuned.

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