Friday, May 28, 2010

Prayer Request...

It pains me to be tying this today. To see the world yet again show the ugliness that is itself. The terrible pain that it can cause. This week..or two weeks actually..have shown true that you must look up for comfort and peace, and not forward. Only God can truly help you deal with the pain this world brings. And help you see the good that is in it.

A friend of mine's sister was shot last night. Innocently driving, she was at the wrong place at the wrong time when two men began exchanging gun fire. Many bullets hit her car, but one hit her neck. The last I update I saw was she is stable, but possibly [and probably :( ] paralyzed. She and her family need your thoughts and prayers today more than ever. It's the beginning to a long and hard road. Pray God's will be done...

Sadly, this is not the only sad news I've heard this week. A family I used to go to church with who moved to Texas...THEIR friends, who I don't know, were in a horrible car accident. It took the life of their sweet 8 year old daughter, Emma. Heartbreaking. The mom, Sherry, is in critical condition last I heard...not totally coherent, but sometimes conscious. Their 2? year old daughter was bruised and batter, but suffered not serious injuries to my knowledge. Not physical ones anyway. The loss of a sister is worse than any physical injury though.

Some days I am just so broken hearted at the terrible things I hear about. Overwhelmed by the struggles some people face. I cry for those families who've lost a child, I could not ever begin to imagine, and just thinking about it makes me cry. The loss of a sister, brother, dad, mom, or any other family member. Death in general. My biggest fear..the scariest of this world's worst doings. I'm not even the one who lost a child, or is scared for her sister, but I cry out to God. Begging him to help me explain it to me. Why? All I hear is silence. I will not stop praying, though. I ask you all to pray, too. These families need it, need God, now more than ever.

Thank you.
God bless.

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