Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I had so much to write, I forgot to say this...

God has blessed me with a nanny job :) It not only will make me able to work even less at AMC, but it is for an incredibly cute and tiny little girl, Madeline. I will almost know what it will be like to have a daughter. My heart aches for a daughter. Don't get me wrong, I love my son more than I could possibly say. But a daughter is a different bond, one I so long to have, and am terrified I will not get the chance.

Funny thing, after agreeing to care for Madeline I got another offer for an in MY home care position. I'm torn, not because I am going to back out of the agreement I already made, but because I want to take on both, and I am not sure it will be something the parents of Madeline feel comfortable with. Plus, the little boy that I am being talked to about watching was only born 2 weeks about. So, while care wouldn't begin for a bit, it would be quite a challenge to have a 3 month old, a 5 month old, and my Aidi [1 year old by then]. I would TOTALLY do it, but again am not sure it will work out.

I so yearn to not work any longer, not at a place of business, but just take care of children. I love children, and understand that there are parents who have to work, and I want to help them...and in return, really, they are helping me. Being home with Aiden, even working at nights, is the best thing I could have ever asked for. I'm so grateful for my husband who works so hard 8-5 everyday to provide for us. He will be going back to school shortly, to work towards getting an even better, and providing for us even more. He truly is amazing. I feel bad complaining that I have to work the few nights I do...but honestly, anything that takes away from my family that I don't choose and want to do, just tears me apart inside.

I'm hoping something works out. Just, once again, continually praying for guidance.

That's all...wouldn't mind a few prayers as well. Thank you

God bless

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