Sunday, August 22, 2010

Oh what I life I live!

We've had quite the fun summer here at the Mack household!! Nothing too fancy, haven't taken any vacations anywhere---we most certainly don't have the extra cash for that right now!Things have been slightly stressful recently, I've been struggling a lot with realizing we need to make more money. Meaning, I need to get a different and better job because Christopher has a pretty good job, plus he JUST got it after being laid off from Tru2Form. That was a blessing! Right as we were moving was a very stressful time for him to get laid off! God provides though, doesn't he???

Meanwhile, we've just been trying to take advantage of the warm weather while it's still here! Aiden is growing up so fast, changing so much, and learning something new every day! For example...

His favorite thing is to climb on anything he can figure out, and just keep climbing! He is definitely a boy, but he is MY boy!

He is walking better and better each day! He barely seems to fall compared to when he first began! This picture is from a few months ago though, May I think.

Like I said, climbing on everything!! He always stops to see if I am watching--I'm fairly certain it's because he knows when he is doing something wrong.

For Father's day, I had agreed to not get Christopher a gift, for various reasons, and just spend the day together as a family! [[We did this for Mother's day, too]]. I got an idea from a friend, though, who told me she has each of her kids draw a letter on a piece of paper that spell out the word DAD. She has 3 kids, so it's very cute! Aiden has the whole alphabet of foam letters [[meant for the bathtub]] and I had him hold D and A. Then I got him a nice card and laid the photos out on the table where I later served him breakfast.

I didn't end up using this one in the frame because you can't see the A, but I printed it out and gave it to him because it's adorable!

We went to BW3's for lunch, one of Chris' favorite places! Daddy and Aiden played a few games after lunch, and I snapped a few photos. This is my favorite, though...

Aiden and I have had our share of adventures while daddy is at work or working on his car! I always try and snap a few photos so I have a lot to look back on.

He was mad at mommy in this one!!

One of the most fun activities we've done this summer is swimming. Specifically, going swimming with friends for Aiden's First Birthday on July 14th! My Aunt, my cousin Sarah, and her baby girl Josie ---who is only 5 weeks younger than Aiden, and now a year old as well! I didn't take many photos, we were in the practically the whole time, but i got a few ::

We met a mom and son duo in the kiddie pool and they hung out with us the while time we were there!! I've forgotten the mom's name, but the little boys name is Conner! His birthday was August 9th --- surprising I remember that since I haven't seen them since!

THE most fun thing we've done this summer, in my opinion, is celebrate our little boy's 1st birthday! I can't believe, even a month later, that our little Aiden Lawrence is 1 now! It was a Spongebob Squarepants theme. We had Spongebob table clothes, napkins, cups, and everything else! I snapped a decent amount of photos, but was very caught up in the commotion and fun of the party!! There were about 40 people there at one point!

Birthday Boy!

He had a lot of fun with Andrea, as usual!

The present table!!!

A sign I made with an adorable picture :)

The smash cake! Aiden loved his smash cake! Also, I am proud to be able to say my friend Kasey made this cake ---and the TWO we had for the adults --- which I helped decorate :) :) :) We made a Spongebob Squarepants and Patrick Starfish cakes to go along with the theme!

I decorated the Spongebob Squarepants cake! :)

Aiden got a lot of awesome presents for his birthday! Shown here is him in his Spongebob Squarepants PJ's!

Thanks to Maddie's parent's [[the little girl I nanny for]] I had the luxury of having a FREE Columbus Zoo Pass :) I've taken advantage of that multiple times, it's one of our fun and close things to do on a nice day!! We went with Andrea and I got some cute photos!

He loves the Zoo!! Happy Boy :)

Maddie girl slept almost the whole time! Sweet little girl!

Aiden LOVED the Monkeys!
Lucky for us they were active, playing, and swinging everywhere!

One of my favorites ... the Penguins!! They were also out side having fun playing in the water!!

We've had a lot of fun this Summer over at Maddie's house! It's been such a blessing to be able to watch her grow and get to know her family!! Aiden loves Maddie and is learning how to be gentle with babies :) That is a good thing...for far in the future though! He also LOVES their dog, Riley! Aiden doesn't really talk yet, but he knows what PUPPY means! It's adorable.

Being silly while mommy does laundry on a day I brought the kids back to my house for the day! :) He actually does this a lot!

Aiden had his very first big boy kid's meal from Wendy's this summer, too! Chicken nugget, mandarin oranges, and milk!

Very first kid's meal toy, a Wendy's toy!

Aiden also got a very cool baby pool, from his Aunt Andrea, for his birthday! We've only used it a few times because it's either been raining or too hot! He didn't like it at first but as long as mommy was right next to him he felt better. After gaining some confidence he loved it :)

Baby boy loves bath time :) Just a random precious moment! He was especially adorable, so I just had to take a picture.

Like I said nothing spectacular,but it has been a truly fun summer, even through some stress. We are loving being a family of 3, and are making plans to buy a house next Summer/Fall :) God has truly blessed us. I will try and update more, I truly love sharing our life and writing down my thoughts.

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