Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My 8 month stubborn hiatus is done!

I am going to try this again, I've always wanted to journal, and always try and give up...but I have more motivation now. And with God's help, I will continue doing this...and find it freeing :)

So, you may ask....WHAT has 8 months of marriage been like?? HOW old is Aidi baby? HOW are Aiden and you and Chris? and WHERE are the pictures?

Well, friends....let me answer the questions I just know you are aching to have answered.

Marriage...what can I say about marriage. It's hard. Especially when you have a baby to add to the first year of marriage, and you are living with your family who don't always remember or seem to understand that you have a baby, and that changes everything! But it is so wonderful, too. To call Chris my husband still makes me giddy with excitement. To watch him with his son everyday, and see him be so diligent and responsible about things just because he loves his wife and child. Definitely makes the hard stuff seem not so big. God has definitely taught us a lot about loving and communicating to one another. And he continues, and I'm sure will continue through out the entirety of our marriage, to help us grow, and learn, and change, and be even better for each other. We have our days, but things have actually been really good for us.

Since I last logged in October, we've had an incredible first Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, Easter, and Mother's day that we have shared. My birthday was 2 weeks ago, which was fun too, but not exactly a holiday :) --I will post pictures at the end--

I am happy to report we are moving to Hilliard in officially less than a month!! My daddy is getting married to his beautiful fiance, Marcy, on June 11th [[2 weeks and 2 days away!!!!!]] and after they are back from their honeymoon, which I am sure if going to be amazing, we are basically going to be playing House Swap!! If only there was some T.V. show we could go I am so excited though. My father has been beyond a blessing in letting us live here, rent free. Not necessarily our first choice for our first year of marriage...but truly we are starting off on a better foot as we move into our first home [rented, not bought, but oh well] than we would have a year ago. It will be so amazing to have a house we can call ours, and to feel like I am adult. To be able to make my own rules, and not have to follow them at 22 years old. Now we are just praying that in the next year, Chris and I can really save, get better jobs, and me finish school, so we can buy a house. What a dream, but praying will have to do for now.

On to the good stuff...
Our Aidi baby has grown and changed so much!! I'm sure you've seen the pictures and update on facebook, but for those of you who haven't...

He is, and has been, crawling like a mad baby! He is so fast, and only getting faster. He is practically walking now. He stands up really well all by himself for close to a minute if he allows it. We seem him standing by the coffee table, just a had helping him balance, and then he has both hands holding onto something for several seconds, and he has been doing that more and more.

He is 10 1/2 months old now and I am planning his first birthday party already! I am so excited about it, too. I have even bought a couple presents already! We are going to be having it at a park, I am so excited that he is a summer baby. I see pool birthday parties and bbq's in his future!

There is so much I love about being a mom. Even the bad days are not something that takes away from how much I love it! I'm so blessed to be able to stay with him during the day, and not have to work full time and us still be able to make the bills and then some. My dream before I had Aiden was simple, I wanted a job where I work with people, and that I am not confined to a desk all day. I don't mind paper work and filing and such, I like that stuff because it makes me feel organized...but ever since I had Aiden..I feel lost. I'm getting a degree and suddenly, I don't want to work, I just want to stay home. I'd love to be a nanny for kids, and then I'd get to stay home with Aiden and still be making money, like I am doing now. But it isn't enough money wise. I suddenly feel like I'll be unhappy at any job, because all I want is to stay home with him, and eventually his sibling. I cannot wait to have another child, as crazy as that may sound...and I hate not knowing where I'm going...what I am going to do with my life job wise! I guess this is just another area where prayer, and patience, will have to endure.

Random tangent though! Sorry! Back to Aiden :)

He waves hi and bye very well now, and LOVES the ABC song. He loves songs in general, but that boy gets ssuucchh a big smile on his cute little face when I start singing the ABC's. Needless to say, there has been a lot of singing around here these days! Especially the ABC's.

He is getting more hair, but not enough for me to NOT think he looks like an old man losing his hair, haha! And we are no where near a first hair cut yet. My momma, the hairstylist, is a little upset to say the least. She looks forward to the day when she will be a part of his first hair cut.

I'm not quite sure what else to write about...I could write forever....there is so much to balance in our lives now, sometimes I can't even comprehend or remember it all. But the jist of this whole thing, that you should get, is Life Is Incredible. God is Good. And it will only get better.

God bless!

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