Thursday, August 26, 2010

Weight Loss.... Thursday ????

Whoops!! I definitely meant to write this yesterday ... kept thinking it was Tuesday! 

Thanks to idea from a friend, I am going to try and join Weight Loss Wednesday. I have been unhappy at my current weight since last winter. After having Aiden I had all but lost all of the weight, but didn't do much the first few months and that attributed to some weight gain. I've actually never been uncomfortable with how I look, there has always been things I'd change...but I think that goes for any girl!! 

Since it's Thursday, I guess I'll be starting next week. I need to get a work out routine down, quickly. My good friend, Janis, said she would help me with this. I am very blessed!! This is more for me than anyone else, but if you have advice or knowledge you'd like to bestill on me. Please! Do so! 

God bless! Have a great Thursday

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