Monday, September 7, 2009

Long overdue!

I can't believe I went all of August with only 1 post. If there is anyone who even reads this, I apologize and I really want to get better!

Aiden is getting so big! He was 11 lbs 8 oz when he went to the doctor almost 2 weeks ago now. And he was 22.5 inches then, too. He is probably even bigger now. I can't believe it :) He is 8 weeks tomorrow. My baby boy is already growing up!!

I can't believe I get married in just 18 days too. To my best friend. My better half. My God given blessing. I just filled out the marriage license information tonight, and we will go to the court and finish getting it on Friday :)

It's past my bed time, so no pictures :( I promise tomorrow I will try and post some though!!

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