So, you'd think with not posting an update for basically a whole month I'd have a lot to talk about but surprisingly not really. Aiden is growing && changing so much everyday. He was 11.5 lbs && 22.5 in at his last appointment, which was now more than 2 weeks ago. He is smiling && cooing so much now, and it is so much fun!! // I am 100% bottle feeding now, completely lost my milk, but I've actually found it to be a bit of a stress relief. The doctor said he expected me to lose it because of my turners syndrome [a chromosome disorder that should have prohibited me from having kids, so considering the affect it could have had, it is not so bad]
My cousin Sarah had her baby August 19th. After 24 hours of labor && then a c-section Josie Olivia Sinsel finally joined us! :) She is beautiful && healthy! Only 6 lbs 8 oz. She is so tiny compared to Aiden.
Wedding plans are coming along nicely, practically done actually. I just have the flowers left to do, && I'm doing them myself so that can't be done until the day before. I have to call to make sure they have my red and white roses though:)
Anyway, I'm not sure what else to update one. My life is consumed by my Aiden && my soon to be amazing husband!! // I'll be better about updating more often :) In the mean time, here are some pictures of my lovely Aiden :: starting from where I left off in my last post with pictures, && all the way to today :)
Daddy && Aiden
First bath..didn't like it at first....
Then got hungry...
Then it was better :)
Baby Feet!!!! :)
I was a little tired!! Leave me alone!
I love my boys <3
>>>>After getting a trial run done on my hair for the wedding :)
He's getting soo big :):)
We went to Easton with my cousins Ashley && Marcy and just got caught up :) She hadn't met Aiden yet..
This is Ashley's 1 year old, Andrew! [[&& Marcy in the pic]]
Ashley holding my Aiden!
This is dark but if you can tell he is sleeping...and his arms are up! SO cute!
Aiden Kisses :)
SUPER BABY!!!!!!!!!! :) <3
:) I love him! [[Can't possibly comment on all these pictures!! :)]]
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