Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Lords Lessons

It's been a bit since I've updated so I figured quick update while my baby boy sleeps was a good idea!!

The last week or so has been pretty good. It's definitely tiring having an almost 3 week old, but we are blessed with a great baby. He gets kind of gassy, which makes his fussy [[even that isn't too bad]] and we are trying to figure out what is making him that way. And he takes an hour to nurse which can be kind of frustrating, but I'm so glad we finally have nursing down. :) I'm very glad I didn't give up. I wanted to so bad. I believe the Lord is really teaching me a lot of patience, which I have very little of, in the hard time of raising a newborn. I definitely find myself relying on his calming grace and mercy to get through the day. I find myself praying more than I have in a while. Praying for Aiden, help in understanding his needs when I feel lost, and for myself, when I feel over whelmed or sad. Patience is definitely a character trait I've always struggled with. Having a 3 week old that nurses for 3 hours and gets my up every 3 hours makes it hard to get out of the house definitely requires some patience. Things are getting better each day and I'm just trying to enjoy the time I have with my sweet baby boy :) That's really all I have to update on for now. I just ask for prayers as I continue to try my best to rely on God and learn patience...Thank you all so much.

Now here are some pictures....

Mommy making him crazy!


Bethany said...

You have such a beautiful baby boy! He already looks a little different than he did when he first was born and I'm sure he'll continue to change really fast as the days go on. You are a fantastic mommy and Aiden is such a lucky boy. Keep praying--during my tough days / moments I just talk to God over and over and over. Our heavenly father can always calm our nerves, give us patience, and help us to think clearly. How awesome of you to know to rely on HIM! Have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet baby boy you have! How blessed you are. Well done with persevering with breastfeeding. It can be very stressful but no matter what the outcome with feeding your baby the most important and special part is that you get to spend such a wonderful uninterrupted time with him to enjoy his company and his adoring looks at you. It is a memory that you will have FOREVER. And it is an hour that you get to REST! Enjoy your precious one- snuggle, love and pamper to your heart's content. It is the best time of all.
Donna (from Australia who hasn't had a babe in arms for 18 years and misses it!)