Monday, July 6, 2009

Busy Week Ahead

So, I'm babysitting two sweet girls right now--Jordan&&Peyton--really enjoying the fact they can entertain themselves, but still need me for things like breakfast, lunch,&&silly questions =]

This past week was rather uneventful, which is the reason for not posting. I started a post on two different days, but never finished them because there wasn't anything to post about. I've been working...Ice Age&Public Enemies came out--whoo, not. Had a doctors appointment, which was also uneventful. July 14th is quickly approaching though. :) Uneventful week, but a nice one for the most part. Spent Friday night with Christopher's parents//saw fireworks at Buckeye Lake [nice since they were far enough away that Aiden wasn't frightened by it, therefore I could enjoy them!]\\Had a relaxing, and slightly boring, 4th. &&Sunday I spent time with my mom&&sister before an evening full of Kochers at my grandma's! Hope everyone enjoyed their July 4th weekend!!

This week is pretty busy for me though. I am babysitting 7:00am-4:00[ish]pm Monday-Friday&&working Monday, Tuesday&&Thursday 5:00pm-12:00am/1:00am! It'll be nice when the paycheck comes though!! Last week of work before little Aiden is here, can't believe it. I find myself growing more nervous to have it not just be me&&Chris anymore. I can see our relationship/marriage struggling more than I realized was possible because of a child. It's going to take a lot of selflessness, prayers, &&communication, none of which I am very good at, to make sure we don't lose what we have&&to make sure it only continues to grow.
Nonetheless I'm very excited for this adventure, and I know with God, friends, family, &&love we'll make it through.

Not a very interesting post, but I had some time&& felt like putting up an update. Only 8 days until our sweet baby boy is here&&I'm sure then I'll have lots of better/more interesting things to post about!

1 comment:

Carmen said...

Just so you know, I'm reading these!! I don't want you to think no one reads them! I really enjoy hearing how your pregnancy is going and how everything is working out for you! Not long now and your boy will be here!! :]
You're in my prayers and thoughts!