Thursday, June 25, 2009

Change is in the air

Today began with a most exciting doctors appointment. Christopher came with me, and to make a long story shorter, he guided us toward choosing a c-section...and told us July 14th at 10am. It's not as soon as I'd like, I'm so ready to meet him, but it's definitely exciting to know when I am going to meet my baby boy!! =]

It was straight to work for both of us after the appointment. A long day considering I got to come in a little late [thanks to a friend Meghan for coming in early for me] Bought some things for the wedding and even something for Aiden's room after dinner with Christopher. It's hard not to feel overwhelmed with all the things I need/want for the wedding and my quickly approaching baby boy. Money has never been somethin
g I've had a lot of, but a baby boy and trying to plan the wedding I've always wanted takes more money than I have....or at least a lot more discipline in how I spend it, and patience to wait until I have the money and it's certainly a challange. I'm blessed to have Christopher to remind me that God will provide and patience is something I need to work on. He's a good foudation to help keep me focused. On the plus side, I did buy our invitations and a guest book today =]=]

Yesterday was a fabulous day as well though!! Enjoyed relaxing by the poolside and swimming at The Pool at Highland Lakes with my aunt and sister. I've been dying to go to the pool ever si
nce a hint of warm weather hit Ohio. Now I just need to make sure I return before all this lovely swimming weather leaves us. And visit the zoo, =]

It has been a pretty good week. Hopefully tomorrow will keep up with the trend. Transformers has been keeping us pretty busy...but I guess it's great!

A picture of my belly at 36 weeks and 4 days :) Been way too long since I've posted one

1 comment:

Bethany said...

adorable belly pic!! why did your doctor lead you to choose c-section?? My mom and my sister both have had to have c-sections. I've heard they aren't too bad. Only a few more weeks until the little guy arrives!!