Sunday, June 28, 2009

Enjoyable Weekend

It was a good weekend at the Mack-Kocher residence! haha
Friday began with work and was followed by coming ho
me to a house full of people hanging out and enjoying the beautiful day for youth group. It was nice seeing people...talking and catching up! After some good conversation Christopher and I went to dinner at Cosi and then saw Transformers. It's pretty good....Aiden wasn't a happy camper though. It was too loud, he kept kicking me and elbowing me...I can't wait until he has all the room in the world to move around and it doesn't hurt my liver and sides when he's kicking =] Saturday was pretty mellow. Hung around the house, enjoying a relaxing day before work at 5:00pm. Went to lunch at Max and Erma's and I definitely spilled cherry coke all over myself!! It was belly caught most of it, shorts weren't wet at all. Chris went to his parents house for the evening and worked on his 1966 Fairlane while I was bored at work!

Now it's 5:30 on Sunday and it's been the most pleasant day of the whole weekend. No work all day for me. Christopher and I got to sleep in, went to Buffalo Wings and Rings for lunch then Meijer for grocery shopping. $50 spent, and we didn't even get very much stuff. It's ridiculous how much everything
is at grocery stores!
Company coming over to dinner tonight. Dad's friends are celebrating one of our close family friends' anniversary, very darling!

I hope you're weekend has been as good as mine. Or better =)

My Sweetheart...wondering why I'm taking his picture =] Better, more recent pictures to come. Promise!!!!! If anyone even reads this...haha

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