Thursday, January 17, 2013

Very Exciting News!!

Hello all once again :)

I'm so excited as I write this tonight, I can hardly form my thoughts in a coherent manner. ((_In other words, bare with me!! :)_) As many who actually read this may already know, Chris and I are very excited as we are expecting our second child together come June. We are honestly beyond excited and thrilled to be expanding our family, and cannot wait to have this new member arrive and to welcome them into our home! I am so blessed to be on the adventure of a life time with a man who is always by my side no matter what, and such an amazing father to our son.

 Even the second time around, it is just as amazing to realize I get the joy of pregnancy, and feeling a beautiful life grow inside me. Something I never thought I'd get the blessing to experience even once, let alone twice. For this, I am beyond eternally grateful to God.

Last days pregnant with my Aidie babe
17 weeks pregnant with baby girl Mack

As a promise to myself for 2013, I'm trying to actually blog and scrapbook. Do more of what I actually want to do, for me, just because it's something I want to do and will cherish for years. I also have a goal of scrap-booking, which I would love to have friends to do with. I'm tired of wanting certain things in my life to change or wishing I remembered this or that better. My kids will only grow up once, and I won't sit by and not at least try my best to remember each phase of their life. This is how I will best do that, and I'm going to actually try better.

Her little arm stretched out perfectly so we could get a good picture of it

Today, Chris accompanied me to his first ultrasound of this pregnancy. Along with Aiden, who was very excited to be included, we watched our baby girl wiggle around, and got to hear about how healthy she looks-even at only 7 oz big. Isn't it amazing what technology can do these days?
Blurry picture, but that's her little feet

 My most favorite part of the visit to the doctors was, as I'm sure you've guessed, was when the technician said "it's a baby girl". I had mentioned that I was hoping for a girl, and when the words left her mouth I was overwhelmed with such joy, it came out in tears.

We were very lucky with our ultrasound technician because I am pretty sure she gave us more pictures today that I ever received in one visit with Aiden. Pictured below is one of my favorites, she was sticking her fingers in and out of her mouth, and we got to watch her do this for about 1 minute. It was very cute.

Both of my boys were very excited with today's news, and we are all excited for the adventure ahead. To be a family of four will certainly come with its challenges, but we couldn't be more positive about what our future holds. Our family, dare I say this, will be complete with her arrival. Something I am both sad and happy to write tonight.


 Until tomorrow, friends.


Bethany said...

Congratulations!!! So excited and happy for you to have a baby girl. You've gotten to experience a precious boy and now you'll get a whole new set of experiences with a girl. I hope that the rest of your pregnancy goes well and that you do take time to blog regularly throughout this year. I have realized that by blogging regularly, creating scrapbooks later is so much easier because you are organized. You can even use sites such as which take your blog and turn it into a book for you automatically!

Happy, happy day :)

Juju said...

I especially love her little hand!!!! I'm excited to watch her grow over the next 5 months!!! I love the Mack's!!!