Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday Funday!

Hello all on this bitterly cold Monday night!

I hope those of you who had the day free from work, enjoyed it. Although freezing, the sun shining when it did made for a pretty beautiful day. I myself worked a full day, but with no banks or post office open there was much work accomplished. Of course, I always prefer to be at home cuddling or playing with my Aidie babe, but I'm blessed to at least have a paycheck.

I wanted to post a little about the last day of our weekend, Sunday. It was actually a pretty fun filled day. Being a working mama, even if it is only part time, I am trying harder to make the days I have off of work more centered around doing fun and (hopefully) educational activities with Aiden, rather than only catching up on what I seem to never finish on the days I work.

I, sadly, didn't snap any photos of our morning or early afternoon, which consisted of church, lunch at the church, and then swimming at the Y. Aiden loves church because his cousins Andrew and Connor, and his friend Freddie (who is Andrew and Connor's cousin) all go there. They are all about the same age, so they all have a blast together playing and learning new things. My cousin Ashley and I (Andrew and Connor's mama) have gotten a lot closer over the past year and it's been wonderful having another mama to spend time with while our boys play together!

Aiden has really grown this year since beginning preschool. He used to have a hard time leaving me when he was unfamiliar with where we were or who I was leaving him with. He still is unsure sometimes when he doesn't have a friend there to help him adjust, but at church, with Andrew, Connor, and Freddie, I am lucky if I get a hug and kiss bye.

Aiden, Freddie, Mya, and Andrew
Aiden, Andrew, and Connor this summer at the zoo.
After church we headed to the "big room", as Aiden calls it, where we got to enjoy and delicious lunch, pot-luck style. After lunch, Aiden was very excited to find out we were heading to "Juju's pool" to go swimming with her (and a surprise guest!). Aiden was very excited to find out that my cousin Kelsey, who will be 12 this year, joined us at the pool..and would be spending the day with him and Juju Monday, as well!

This isn't from last night, but Aiden and my cousin Kelsey!

We swam from about 1pm-4pm. Aiden had a blast, but was definitely exhausted. He passed out before we even made it to the grocery store, which was our next stop on our busy day! 

 To my surprise, and my joy, Aiden was in a great mood. He even *asked* to go into the play place at Giant Eagle, which he had never been to because he never wanted to, and I was afraid he'd cause a scene. I was glad that they had more than enough room to accept him, and he went right in and started playing. He was very excited about the kitchen set they had (I REALLY need to get him one) and didn't get upset by my leaving at all. I snapped a few photos because I knew I'd want to remember this...

After the grocery store, we spent the evening at home, while we cuddled and watched a movie. Aiden was in jammies by 7pm and passed out by 8pm. I love days where it's all play and no work, and all my attention can be focused on him and just enjoying this age. I'm realizing each day, the more I prepare for our baby girl, that my attention will be divided and I'll have two kids to love on and who will both want and need my attention. I'm both excited and anxious, and oh so very blessed.

Aiden with his favorite puppy, CJ. Right before bed

That was our weekend!! Well, Sunday, anyway. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, as well.

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