Friday, September 25, 2009


Today I marry my BEST friend :):):)

Hair [CHECK]
Make up [almost check!]
WEDDING [7pm!!!!]

More updates later! So much to do!

Today is the day...!!!

I cannot begin to explain my excitement for Christopher and my big day today! :) I finally can call my best friend my husband! My hair is done and I sit here typing this in a pair of short, and a button up shirt, waiting for my make up to get put on and my mom and sister to finish getting ready. Then it's off to the beautiful Makoy Center to meet with Christopher and our wedding party and families for pictures :):):):):):)

Aiden looked so cute at the rehersal dinner last night, which was at Dave and Busters!! So much fun! Sadly, no one took pictures because everyone forgot a camera!!! But don't worry, I'll be putting the outfit back on soon, I LOVE IT! And there will be PLENTY of pictures tonight to make up for it, hehe!

Gah! Short update but there is much to do! Next time I'll be updating from sunny Virginia!!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

2 Days!

Some more pictures of our adorable son :) He is growing and getting so much bigger everyday! He had a doctor appointment on Monday and he is 14.1 lbs and 24.25 inches long!!! :) Such a big boy! He is in the 90% for his weight!! Crazy, right?? Besides that Christopher's and my lives are consumed with watching and loving our baby boy :) Nothing really exciting, until this weekend anyway!!! Wedding and Honeymoon! <3<3 Can't believe I marry my sweetheart TWO DAYS!! I can call him my husband!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


So, you'd think with not posting an update for basically a whole month I'd have a lot to talk about but surprisingly not really. Aiden is growing && changing so much everyday. He was 11.5 lbs && 22.5 in at his last appointment, which was now more than 2 weeks ago. He is smiling && cooing so much now, and it is so much fun!! // I am 100% bottle feeding now, completely lost my milk, but I've actually found it to be a bit of a stress relief. The doctor said he expected me to lose it because of my turners syndrome [a chromosome disorder that should have prohibited me from having kids, so considering the affect it could have had, it is not so bad]

My cousin Sarah had her baby August 19th. After 24 hours of labor && then a c-section Josie Olivia Sinsel finally joined us! :) She is beautiful && healthy! Only 6 lbs 8 oz. She is so tiny compared to Aiden.

Wedding plans are coming along nicely, practically done actually. I just have the flowers left to do, && I'm doing them myself so that can't be done until the day before. I have to call to make sure they have my red and white roses though:)

Anyway, I'm not sure what else to update one. My life is consumed by my Aiden && my soon to be amazing husband!! // I'll be better about updating more often :) In the mean time, here are some pictures of my lovely Aiden :: starting from where I left off in my last post with pictures, && all the way to today :)

Daddy && Aiden

First bath..didn't like it at first....

Then got hungry...

Then it was better :)

Baby Feet!!!! :)

I was a little tired!! Leave me alone!

I love my boys <3

>>>>After getting a trial run done on my hair for the wedding :)

He's getting soo big :):)

We went to Easton with my cousins Ashley && Marcy and just got caught up :) She hadn't met Aiden yet..

This is Ashley's 1 year old, Andrew! [[&& Marcy in the pic]]

Ashley holding my Aiden!

This is dark but if you can tell he is sleeping...and his arms are up! SO cute!

Aiden Kisses :)

SUPER BABY!!!!!!!!!! :) <3


:) I love him! [[Can't possibly comment on all these pictures!! :)]]