Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Trying Tuesday

Some days are greeted with beautiful sunshine, happy thoughts, and productive happenings. Unfortuneately, today doesn't feel like one of those days. Last night, after seeing my beloved Lisa Love and Staci for the first time in a very long time...which was amazing...I began really not feeling well. Was up until 2:00am...very unpleasant. Couldn't really go back to sleep after Christopher left for work at 8:00am. I'm feeling better, but find myself lonely and dreading work at 5:00pm. Watching t.v., doing some laundry, and hopefully reading some before work....I am determined to not let satan and my thoughts get the best of me.

On the upside...baby is moving so much already today. He moved lots last night too, so Lisa and Staci could feel it. It was really neat. I can't believe we get to meet him in exactly 2 weeks from today. As each day passes I feel myself getting more anxious and excited. To have a little boy sleeping in the crib we've had set up for weeks will truly be an incredible feeling....to see him for the first time....hear him cry. A miracle I'm forced to wai
t 2 more long weeks for...I'm so unbelievably excited. God is so amazing, and I feel so blessed to have been able to experience being pregnant, and that I will be able to experience being a mom. These are the thoughts I need to surround myself with while I feel overwhelmed or sad. :)

In an effort for whoever reads this to get to know me better, and for me to get to know whoever reads this better I'm going to post a "7 things" category post every Tuesday [getting this idea from Bethany, of course]
Today's...7 Things you'd buy yourself if you had $100 and you HAD to spend it on yourself:

7. $4 dollars into my savings account..haha, any amount is a plus!

6. Manicure $25

5. Tanning $20 [all you can for a whole month...after Aiden is here, of course]

4. Breakfast from Tim Hortons $5 [that I would enjoy in the park or something as I read my book-ha!]

3. Orbitz Sweet Mint Gum $1

2. A Lurlene McDaniel book [assuming I could find one] $10?

1. Pedicure $35

That was harder than I thought....=] What would you buy?

Leave comments&&let me know! Anyone can comment now =]

Random pictures until I have pictures that go along with my posts...which probably won't be until Aiden is here,

My Birdy Max =)

He's so pretty! <3

Am actually trying to figure out if I should keep him or not. Chris and I love him very much, but a bird isn't the best thing to have with a newborn--they need attention too, and I'm afraid of what will happen after Aiden is here. Plus, keeping him in our room is frustrating. If we had our own place and could keep him where he could see people and feel like he's a part of things would be so much better for him. We'll figure it out...:)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Enjoyable Weekend

It was a good weekend at the Mack-Kocher residence! haha
Friday began with work and was followed by coming ho
me to a house full of people hanging out and enjoying the beautiful day for youth group. It was nice seeing people...talking and catching up! After some good conversation Christopher and I went to dinner at Cosi and then saw Transformers. It's pretty good....Aiden wasn't a happy camper though. It was too loud, he kept kicking me and elbowing me...I can't wait until he has all the room in the world to move around and it doesn't hurt my liver and sides when he's kicking =] Saturday was pretty mellow. Hung around the house, enjoying a relaxing day before work at 5:00pm. Went to lunch at Max and Erma's and I definitely spilled cherry coke all over myself!! It was hilarious....my belly caught most of it, shorts weren't wet at all. Chris went to his parents house for the evening and worked on his 1966 Fairlane while I was bored at work!

Now it's 5:30 on Sunday and it's been the most pleasant day of the whole weekend. No work all day for me. Christopher and I got to sleep in, went to Buffalo Wings and Rings for lunch then Meijer for grocery shopping. $50 spent, and we didn't even get very much stuff. It's ridiculous how much everything
is at grocery stores!
Company coming over to dinner tonight. Dad's friends are celebrating one of our close family friends' anniversary, very darling!

I hope you're weekend has been as good as mine. Or better =)

My Sweetheart...wondering why I'm taking his picture =] Better, more recent pictures to come. Promise!!!!! If anyone even reads this...haha

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Change is in the air

Today began with a most exciting doctors appointment. Christopher came with me, and to make a long story shorter, he guided us toward choosing a c-section...and told us July 14th at 10am. It's not as soon as I'd like, I'm so ready to meet him, but it's definitely exciting to know when I am going to meet my baby boy!! =]

It was straight to work for both of us after the appointment. A long day considering I got to come in a little late [thanks to a friend Meghan for coming in early for me] Bought some things for the wedding and even something for Aiden's room after dinner with Christopher. It's hard not to feel overwhelmed with all the things I need/want for the wedding and my quickly approaching baby boy. Money has never been somethin
g I've had a lot of, but a baby boy and trying to plan the wedding I've always wanted takes more money than I have....or at least a lot more discipline in how I spend it, and patience to wait until I have the money and it's certainly a challange. I'm blessed to have Christopher to remind me that God will provide and patience is something I need to work on. He's a good foudation to help keep me focused. On the plus side, I did buy our invitations and a guest book today =]=]

Yesterday was a fabulous day as well though!! Enjoyed relaxing by the poolside and swimming at The Pool at Highland Lakes with my aunt and sister. I've been dying to go to the pool ever si
nce a hint of warm weather hit Ohio. Now I just need to make sure I return before all this lovely swimming weather leaves us. And visit the zoo, =]

It has been a pretty good week. Hopefully tomorrow will keep up with the trend. Transformers has been keeping us pretty busy...but I guess it's great!

A picture of my belly at 36 weeks and 4 days :) Been way too long since I've posted one

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

7 things

In a continuation of taking ideas from Bethany..=]

As something fun to post, and as a fun way for people to get to know me and vice versa, each Tuesday I will post a "7 things" blog. Taking the idea from Bethany, I will probably post the same "7 things" she does! =]

7 places I want to visit in your lifetime

6.Panama City
4.New York
3.Bahamas [again, does that count?]
2.England...anywhere&&everywhere//Paris specifically
1. Hawaii


I am sitting here with piles of laundry all around me. I have to be at work at 5:00pm and I JUST finally finished my shower and such. I've been messing with this webpage though, and trying to make it look adorable as well as facebooking. Basically everything I shouldn't be doing. :)

I realized as I was messing around that I wish I had taken more pictures through out my life. Photographs are the way I cherish the memories I have. I haven't had many events this past year to take pictures of, my friends are all far away or we've lost contact. The friends that I still have..well to be honest, we're boring. =] I love them but it's true. I'm looking forward to having a son to take many pictures of, a family to freeze in time for a moment to show how happy we are!! I hope I can find more women with children though. Being a young mom-to-be not many of my friends have children yet. I have a fear of feeling isolated and lonely. No one is going to want to hang out with me when I have such a limit to what I can do and when I can do....but I know this is something the devil is scaring me with. I just need to give it to God, and I'm trying. I'm so thankful for all He's done for me, and I know he'll bless me with wonderful friends. He has already blessed me with a wonderful family. =]=]

Just me ranting...=) Thursday is my next doctors appointment...should be an exciting one. I'll definitely update then.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A New Beginning

Hello All =) I am excited to say [[due to copying a friend ;)]] I am going to begin posting updates of the exciting adventure that is called life for Christopher and I. I'd like to post every day, or atleast every other, but we'll see. With Aiden so close to being here Christopher and I want to remember and share everything with those who are not always close. Our very near future is sure to be exciting, exhausting, scary, amazing, frustrating, and blessed all in one. We thank God, our families, and all of our friends for how supportive and wonderful they've been for us. We are so blessed, and excited to see what our future holds in store for us. Be sure to stop by often and read the updates, especially after Aiden is born!!!

P.S. Bethany, if you're reading this....You're the one I stole the idea from, obviously. I hope you don't mind =]