Thursday, February 17, 2011

Random Thoughts for Thursday

I don't have much to say today. I didn't snap any photos, or have anything monumental happen to me. I just had a pretty decent day. We received our tax refund in the bank today, that was definitely a plus. I had more than enough money to pay a total of four of our bills today, plus two more tomorrow :) It's not so bad when you know you have the money. The stress that would just disappear if it could just always be like this....

I find myself on facebook a lot for my 'mommy time'. I love how I stay connected with so many people I would otherwise have much less contact with. Lately, though, I found myself looking at other people's photos and feeling envy and frustration. It's hard not to feel as though I am spinning in circles, going no where. My daily routine is not something I enjoy or truly have my heart set it. I want it spent with my son. I want to clean my house better and more often, and cook dinner every night...neither of which I do very well right now. I guess all I can do is remember that...and keep fighting for it....tired, or not.

OKAY! Done venting....

Wonderful Pic Wednesday: My Wonderful Best Friends

I love this picture of me, my friend Andrea [to the left] and my friend Kasey [to my right]. It is from my bachelorette party, we were at Champs for a wonderful meal. It was a night I will never forget, and always cherish. :) I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out, but they made sure it was a blast, and I did. I'm so thankful for these girls, and very blessed to call them my best friends <3

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