Saturday, February 19, 2011

A very exciting beginning

We have officially begun, a while ago actually, the adventure that is searching for a home to buy. :) It's been a long and repetitive process so far, but we know we're only beginning. We have only been searching for a month, and only gone to see three houses total. Two of which we saw today. We don't have much time so we've been going on Saturday's, and today was definitely long, but successful one. Our relater is my aunt Chrissy and she has been awesome!! She found two homes in Delaware, which is a little further out than we had originally planned, but they turned out to be incredible. They are both foreclosed homes, but both in surprisingly good shape for not being taken care of for a while. The second home is right off of 37, is smaller, and the driveway is not favorable. The two acres and some of the features of the interior of the house are desirable, but it was a far second to the first home we saw.......

The first home is on the east side of Delaware, only about 25-30 minutes away from Powell, where we work and where my father, step mom and siblings live. Unfortunately, it is about an hour and a half away from my mom and step dad, and an hour away from Chris' parents and my aunt Judi, both of whom have been an incredible blessing in watching Aiden for little to no money. Both homes are older, but the first one was an older farm house. It's on five, yes FIVE, acres with FIVE outside buildings. ...For those of you reading this who don't know my husband, a detached garage is a MUST. His hobby, and a big love in his life, is his vintage--and awesome I might add--1968 GT Mustang, and working on vintage hot rods in general, Ford specifically. Two of the buildings are close together, making it perfect for a working area for project cars and storing area for his Mustang and any future beauties he adds. There are three other buildings, all barns, that are in impressive shape. One looks like they were in the middle of making improvements when things when south, so it's actually pretty incredible. I could envision finishing up what the previous owners began and adding my own touch...and making a little studio where I do portraits and senior pictures. The back yard has indescribable potential, too. You can tell it was truly beautiful when they kept up with it. There is 6 foot tall [dead] Sunflowers-would be so beautiful in the summer-a Koi pond, and hot tub with an attached changing area [I think, we didn't do a whole lot of research on that building but it's all in GREAT shape, including the hot tub]. There is an arch way with beautiful grape vines growing around well as some weeds, but the potential is amazing. There is even extra bricks that were left behind that would be so fantastic in creating walk ways where we want them. Chris and I have talked so much about this house today, I honestly think he is sick of talking to me. hahaha! We have talked about what we both would want to do to renovate the inside, and the plans are honestly so exciting. It's set up now is a kitchen with yellow counters, a bedroom right off the kitchen-like, you walk out, and are in the kitchen-two closets which were okay, a giant office with a desk that obviously held two computers and has a lot of cabinets, a living room with a fireplace to accent it, a slanted first floor bathroom, and a washroom both off the living room. Some weird placements, but pretty neat old house. I wouldn't choose to have either the bathroom or the washroom off of the living room, but I could definitely live with that since Chris and I talked about renovations I'm in love with already. I so wish I would have taken pictures. We'll definitely be going back, I'll be sure to grab some photos then!

Obviously, I am excited. Chris and I have agreed to still look at other houses, but most certainly while keeping this home at the front of our minds. If this is the house we end up buying, it'll be a miracle. It's not exactly and perfectly what we want entirely, but for the price, location, land, and all it's features we fell in love with and could see potential's pretty awesome. Plus, it would definitely work into my whole "not very patient" aspect of my personality. This is not a light decision though, so we are both praying for guidance, clarity, knowledge, wisdom, faith, and yes, my favorite...patience, to make the right decision. This is probably a boring post with no pictures and bad descriptions of a beautiful home, but if you actually read this all and have some advice for me. Please, I'm tell me.

God Bless,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Random Thoughts for Thursday

I don't have much to say today. I didn't snap any photos, or have anything monumental happen to me. I just had a pretty decent day. We received our tax refund in the bank today, that was definitely a plus. I had more than enough money to pay a total of four of our bills today, plus two more tomorrow :) It's not so bad when you know you have the money. The stress that would just disappear if it could just always be like this....

I find myself on facebook a lot for my 'mommy time'. I love how I stay connected with so many people I would otherwise have much less contact with. Lately, though, I found myself looking at other people's photos and feeling envy and frustration. It's hard not to feel as though I am spinning in circles, going no where. My daily routine is not something I enjoy or truly have my heart set it. I want it spent with my son. I want to clean my house better and more often, and cook dinner every night...neither of which I do very well right now. I guess all I can do is remember that...and keep fighting for it....tired, or not.

OKAY! Done venting....

Wonderful Pic Wednesday: My Wonderful Best Friends

I love this picture of me, my friend Andrea [to the left] and my friend Kasey [to my right]. It is from my bachelorette party, we were at Champs for a wonderful meal. It was a night I will never forget, and always cherish. :) I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out, but they made sure it was a blast, and I did. I'm so thankful for these girls, and very blessed to call them my best friends <3

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I've got to get better....

I don't know why I am so bad at keeping up with this...I think about updating it all the time. I really want to, too. It'll be nice to have this to look back on.

So...since August, a bunch has happened. That's exactly the reason why updating this daily/weekly would be a smart choice...

Breakfast with friends <3

Many bath times...

Lots of fun with Andrea, and outside...

Halloween 2010 :) Aiden was a Bear/Tiger. His outfit was a tiger, very soft and warm, but the hat wasn't that warm so we had his bear hat on him, which wasn't fully covered by the costume, thus creating Bear/Tiger! He had a lot of fun, and got a good amount of candy for not going that far. He was too young and tired to go too far, but we saw a lot of awesome costumes around my father's neighborhood in Powell, which is where we went so they could be a part of his first trick or treat.

Christmas time 2010 was a blast :) Aiden was in a great mood on Christmas day. Here he is wearing a similar outfit to what I got his Christmas 2010 professional photos in, but he wasn't such a happy camper on picture day. haha!

Grandpa Greg [Aiden's grandpa, my step dad] and Aiden on his new rocking horse, that he LOVES :) It was very special to my step dad to give that to him. I am so glad that Aiden loves it so much. 

My grandpa, Ray, and Aiden. I love this photo. My grandpa has had a rough couple of years, battling cancer and dealing with chemo and radiation.. He's truly an inspiration, seeing him fight and not give up...and it's paid off so far. I'll never stop praying, though.

Cousin's Aiden and Andrew. Andrew is almost exactly 1 year older than Aiden, but he is so much taller! It's crazy :) Aiden isn't short by any means, either.

A modest, but most blessed, Christmas <3 Continually thanking Jesus for his sacrific

Aiden had a good time reading  and playing on his new toys with daddy. I'm so glad I was able to snap these photos, they are very sweet :)

Momma is learning how to use her camera, and trying to get better at taking good photos, too

Most drastically life changing since August is I began working Monday through Friday 8:00am-4:00pm or 5:00pm in September. Less time with Aiden, but more money for the family. It's been a hard transition. Even 6 months later I find myself struggling with the reality of being a full time working mom. I knew I was blessed to be living at my dad's, rent free, and be able to be part time...but nothing could have prepared me for the emotional change it would bring being in our own house. It's nice to not be in the house 24/7, and more importantly to actually like my job, but missing my son is not something I had to deal with on a daily basis until I went to work during the day. It's a constant battle. Not because I am missing any monumental things for Aiden, or because he has forgotten me-not even close. I just didn't realize what kind of mom I wanted to be, being young and unprepared for the blessing that Aiden is. It hit me quickly, and harshly, that my heart truly yearns to be a stay at home momma. Something I'm not sure I'll get to experience, a consequence of still being in college and financially unprepared for what being parents/adults brings you. My hope...newly founded to improve myself as a photographer and make a career out of capturing memories for those around me. This would allow me to have more flexible schedule, making it so I could be more involved in the things I want to be with Aiden...especially when he begins school, and when we have a second child.

A lot must change for us for me to feel "caught up" to where I feel like we should be as adults and parents. With the added pressure I feel with being younger, I'm cautious with each step I take. Sometimes my impatience takes over, and frustration sets in. We are very blessed, and I do my best to never forget that...and always Thank God for all He's done in our lives.